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Jun 212015

There is a particularly neat way to derive Schrödinger’s equation, and to justify the “canonical substitution” rules for replacing energy and momentum with corresponding operators when we “quantize” an equation.

Take a particle in a potential. Its energy is given by




Now multiply both sides this equation by the formula ei(pxEt)/. We note that this exponential expression cannot ever be zero if the part in the exponent that’s in parentheses is real:


So far so good. But now note that


and similarly,

{\bf p}^2e^{i({\bf p}\cdot{\bf x}-Et)/\hbar}=-\hbar^2{\boldsymbol\nabla}e^{i({\bf p}\cdot{\bf x}-Et)/\hbar}.

This allows us to rewrite the previous equation as

\left[i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\hbar^2\frac{{\boldsymbol\nabla}^2}{2m}-V({\bf x})\right]e^{i({\bf p}\cdot{\bf x}-Et)/\hbar}=0.

Or, writing \Psi=e^{i({\bf p}\cdot{\bf x}-Et)/\hbar} and rearranging:

i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\Psi=-\hbar^2\frac{{\boldsymbol\nabla}^2}{2m}\Psi+V({\bf x})\Psi,

which is the good old Schrödinger equation.

The method works for an arbitrary, generic Hamiltonian, too. Given

H({\bf p})=E,

we can write

\left[E-H({\bf p})\right]e^{i({\bf p}\cdot{\bf x}-Et)/\hbar}=0,

which is equivalent to

\left[i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}-H(-i\hbar{\boldsymbol\nabla})\right]\Psi=0.

So if this equation is identically satisfied for a classical system with Hamiltonian H, what’s the big deal about quantum mechanics? Well… a classical system satisfies E-H({\bf p})=0, where E and {\bf p} are eigenvalues of the differential operators i\hbar\partial/\partial t and -i\hbar{\boldsymbol\nabla}, respectively. Schrödinger’s equation, on the other hand, remains valid in the general case, not just for the eigenvalues.

 Posted by at 6:29 pm