Watching things unfold at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, these past several days was… interesting, to say the least.
I thought about posting a blog entry on Monday, but decided to wait as I was sure there was more to come. I was not disappointed.
First, they fire Sam Altman, in a move that is not unlike what happens to the Game of Thrones character Jon Snow at the end of Season 5. (Yes, I am a latecomer to GoT. I am currently watching Season 6, Episode 3.)
Then several other key executives quit, including the company president, Greg Brockman.
Then, the Board that fired Altman apparently makes noises that they might welcome him back.
But no, Altman and Brockman instead joined Microsoft after, I am guessing, Nadella made them an offer they could not refuse.
Meanwhile, in an open revolt, the majority of OpenAI’s employees signed a letter demanding the resignation of the company’s Board of Directors, threatening to quit otherwise.
The authors of CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter were not the only ones asking, “What on Earth is going on at OpenAI?”
As if to answer that question, OpenAI rehired Altman as CEO, and fired most of their Board.

Meanwhile, some speculate that the fundamental reason behind this is not some silly corporate power play or ego trips but rather, genuine concern that OpenAI might be on the threshold of releasing the genie from the bottle: the genie called AGI, artificial general intelligence, that is.
I can’t wait. AGI may do stupid things but I think it’d have to work real hard to be dumber than us humans.