Jun 142009

Chances are that if you are reading this, especially if you are reading this through Facebook, you are not located in Iran.

Presidential elections in Iran are over, and the people have spoken: Dr. Ahmedinejad has been reelected with a landslide.

At least that’s what the Iranian government would like you to believe. Desperately. Which explain’s Ahmedinejad’s farce of a press conference, or the fact that lines of communication to/from and within Iran are increasingly being shut down by the Iranian authorities. And now there is a massive demonstration being held in favor of the newly reelected president, while his main opponent, Moussavi, is nowhere to be seen, presumed by some to be under house arrest.

So here is what I am wondering about: is Ahmedinejad about to turn into a Ceaucescu on us? Ceaucescu did the same thing, held a massive rally in the town of Timisoara to demonstrate that he has the support of the people. Well… he didn’t.

Does Ahmedinejad have the needed support to maintain his position in the Islamic Republic, a state with a split personality that pretends to be democratic, yet rejects what they call “liberal democracy”?

 Posted by at 12:49 pm