Jan 052009

That there’s a lunatic professor in Russia who thinks that soon, the map of the US will look like this is one thing:

The end of America (according to a Russian)

The end of America (according to a Russian)

That Russian state media gives him credence… now that’s the frightening bit.

 Posted by at 1:54 am

  2 Responses to “The end of America… or that of Russian sanity?”

  1. Canada is taking over the midwest in 2010? How about we take northern New England and the Pacific Northwest instead and trade a couple of states to China and to the EU?

    We should definitely grab Alaska, but we have nothing to trade with the Russians. How about if Europe gives them Poland? Hang on, the Germans tried that once or twice and it didn’t work out.

  2. Wait, the midwest is where are the missile silos are. Now we can “negotiate” with Russia.