May 092023

Several years ago, Chinese author Liu Cixin’s novel, The Three-body Problem, became a bit of a sensation when it became the first Asian (I thought it was the first foreign, but never mind) novel to win the Hugo award for best science-fiction.

It is a damn good book, part of a damn good trilogy.

And now there is a television adaptation. A Chinese television adaptation.

And it is superb.

Its creators at Tencent Video made the entire series (30 episodes!) available on YouTube. In recent weeks, this series consumed all my television time, even at the expense of Picard (which now, I fear, pales in comparison despite my love of the series and Patrick Stewart.) Excellent acting, excellent directing, great actors, superior special effects (that ship!) What can I say? Had it been made in Hollywood, it would rank among Hollywood’s best.

I hope the creators are not abandoning the story and that the second and third book of the trilogy are also in the works.

 Posted by at 12:49 am