Dec 092022

Despite my misgivings concerning the many “teacher’s pet” style answers offered by ChatGPT, I could not resist messing with it some more.

First, since everybody does it, I also asked it to describe something nontrivial in the style of the King James Bible:

Can you describe the trolley problem written in the style of the King James Bible?

Sure, I can try to describe the trolley problem in the style of the King James Bible. Here is my attempt:

Verily, there was a great dilemma that faced a righteous man. A trolley was careening down a track, and on its path were five workers, toiling on the line. The man had the power to divert the trolley onto a different track, but lo, on this track was but a single worker, also toiling on the line.

The man was torn between two choices: to do nothing and allow the trolley to continue its course, resulting in the death of five workers, or to take action and divert the trolley onto the other track, resulting in the death of a single worker.

What, then, should the man do? Should he sacrifice the life of the one to save the lives of the many, or should he let the trolley continue on its path and allow the deaths of the five?

This was a most difficult decision, and the man knew not what to do. But in the end, he made a choice, and the consequences of his actions weighed heavily upon him.

But then, I thought I’d offer it a real challenge. Can it recognize a perfectly functional, decently written but somewhat obtuse piece of C code for what it does? Note the paragraph in the answer that I highlighted in red.

Can you tell me what the following C-language code fragment does?

#include <string.h>

double Z(double z)
  if (z < 0 || z > 170 || z != floor(z)) return strtod("NaN", NULL);
  if (z == 0) return 1;
  else return z * Z(z - 1);

This code defines a recursive function named Z that takes a single double argument named z. The function first checks if the value of z is less than 0, greater than 170, or not an integer. If any of these conditions are true, the function returns the result of calling the strtod function with the string "NaN" and a NULL value as arguments. This would convert the string "NaN" to a double value representing “Not a Number”.

If the value of z is not less than 0, greater than 170, or not an integer, the function then checks if z is equal to 0. If this is the case, the function returns the value 1.

If z is not 0, the function returns the result of z multiplied by the result of calling the Z function with z - 1 as the argument. This means that the Z function calls itself with a z value that is 1 less than the current z value. This is an example of recursion, where a function calls itself with a modified input until a base case is reached. In this case, the base case is when z is equal to 0. When this happens, the function returns 1 and the recursive calls “unwind”, returning the final result of the Z function.

It is worth noting that this Z function is an implementation of the factorial function, which calculates the product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given integer n. For example, the factorial of 5, written as 5!, is equal to 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120. This Z function would return the same result if it were called with an argument of 5.

Holy mackerel. Seriously.

 Posted by at 2:30 pm